Organic leads VS paid leads

By Poornima Prabakaran

If you're seeking to grow your business' lead generation, you're surely aware that you'll need to provide more online content to attract prospective buyers to your website. We live in a digital age, and most business owners understand they need to enhance their online games to stay competitive, especially with COVID-19 constraints. 

Organic leads VS paid leads

But how can you get the most leads online? Based on a web searcher's query search engines deliver organic and paid results. Should your organization spend its digital marketing money on Google and Facebook advertisements or blogs, social media, and other sorts of organic content? 

Both organic marketing and paid advertising are intended to attract potential customers, but they operate by different means. Let's drill down and identify which digital marketing plan is best for your company.

Difference between organic and paid leads

At the start, it's essential to consider how these two digital marketing techniques differ. It all corresponds to how you approach lead generation. With organic marketing, you create content that is designed to naturally attract customers. You pay money to have your content viewed with paid advertising.

Organic marketing: what is it?

It is unforced when anything happens organically in life. It means there is no money involved in digital marketing. Customers aren't "forced" to consume organic material appearing on websites they visit or found in Facebook Newsfeeds; they must seek it out when browsing.

Your company may create leads naturally by creating content that appeals to your ideal target market. 

Focus on producing helpful, informative stuff that fits potential consumers' needs at each point of their journey – because not everyone is ready to buy – whether you invest in marketing emails, social media postings, or SEO-optimized blogs. In a nutshell, that's organic marketing! Organic marketing grabs potential consumers' attention and drives them toward a purchase decision rather than searching down leads. 

Organic marketing is an excellent method to create relationships with customers, enhance brand awareness, and drive those valuable leads by speaking honestly, and directly with the audience that matters most to your firm. Customers appreciate it since it is less "pushy" than other forms of advertising.


Organic marketing is usually less expensive than paid advertising.

Organic marketing, according to HubSpot, costs 61 percent less per lead, and if you're a business owner who writes your blogs or social postings, it's free! Even if you hire an agency to develop organic content for your company, a single good blog post can pay for itself in terms of leads and traffic.

Organic marketing appears to be less forceful.

Organic marketing helps develop trust among individuals with a high level of buying intent and converts them into loyal customers because it focuses more on showcasing value than simply selling.

In other ways, being fewer sales benefits business owners as well. While it's fantastic when someone sees your ad, clicks it, and becomes a customer straight away, some would argue that having customers coming back who like your social postings, share your website, and leave favorable online reviews is even better. They are completely free advertisements!


It's a game of patience

It takes time, imagination, and, more importantly, strategy to create content that people want to read, watch, and connect with. A good organic marketing campaign requires a lot of effort, from identifying target demographics and consumer personas to brainstorming and crafting shareable content.

If you don't know who you're talking to, it won't work.

Your organic marketing efforts will be ineffective unless you know how to communicate with your target audience — we're talking about you. You must have a firm concept of who they are and the client's journey with your company. If not, you could waste a lot of time developing material they don't care about!

Online advertising for a fee is exactly what it sounds like. The word refers to any internet material that you are paying money to advertise. Paid advertising comes in various forms, including search ads, display ads, and social media ads.


Organic lead generation takes time, but bought advertising can frequently deliver results more quickly. For example, a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign with a large enough budget and the right plan may put your company on the first page of Google for a search keyword in only one day – something that is highly unlikely for a blog or social post.

You have a greater degree of control over who sees your content.

The ability to zero in on your target demographic is maybe the most significant advantage of paid advertising. With organic content, you rely on the insights of your audience to provide stuff that they want, but you have no control over who sees your blog post or social feed.

If you write something beneficial, many people may come for the knowledge without intending to buy anything from your firm and there's nothing you can do about it but continue to get to know your audience and adjust your content with strong calls to action.

Paid advertising requires the same level of audience awareness. 

But it may go even further because online ads provide several targeting choices that make it easier to get your information in front of the right individuals. With Google Ads, for example, you can detect keywords and terms that people use to search for items or services similar to yours and use them to put your firm in front of the appropriate people at the right time — when they're looking. 

You can even narrow down your options by gender, region, interests, and other factors. It's simple to change and improve your campaigns once you know which ads are working (or not working). Unlike organic marketing, which grows slowly, paid advertising allows you to respond to the market in real-time.


It is generally more expensive.

You may create a blog or a social media post for free, but you can't publish an online ad for free, and some businesses are more competitive than others in terms of lead costs.

While even a little PPC expenditure might yield results, you need to know what you're doing. Many small business owners waste money trying to do PPC on their own because they don't completely understand how Google Ads or Facebook Ads function.

If you don't know who you're talking to, it won't work.

Sounds familiar, right? Knowing your target market is crucial for both organic and paid lead creation. Paying to have your work exposed but targeting the incorrect demographics is like throwing money away. If you're attempting to sell dog leashes online and focusing on individuals who don't have dogs - or, even worse, people who don't like dogs – you're not going to get numerous leads.

On A Budget, combining organic and paid marketing

If you haven't already worked it out, the true question isn't whether to use organic or purchased leads, but how to blend the two for maximum impact - even if you're on a budget.

Producing your organic content – writing your blogs, keeping your social media sites current, etc. – while employing an agency in Dubai to handle your paid advertising is the best alternative for the budget-conscious business owner. 

Perhaps you're a Google Ads whiz and can handle that while hiring someone to write your organic content.  Whatever you choose, you'll need to share relevant, high-quality information regularly to generate more leads.